Empower Business Slash Electricity Bills with BSS Solutions

With every problem comes a solution as well. While many industrial and commercial electricity consumers are stressed about the unrestricted electricity use and high electricity bills every month, the solution isn’t far off. Your one-stop solution for fixing the issue of electricity monitoring is Bharat Smart Services (BSS). Only when you know where and how electricity is used, and on what all aspects electricity bill is generated would enable you to reduce it. 

BSS has come a long way in serving hundreds of users. Once any Industrial/Commercial Consumers subscribes for BSS Bill Optimization Services. BSS works with them as a partner to identify every opportunity for saving energy and reducing bills.

Let’s see how BSS can be a smart choice for your business as well.

Slash Electricity Bills

Benefits of BSS for commercial and industrial consumers

Reducing electricity consumption, bills is a task that requires your detailed attention. Since handling a business is a tough job, BSS is there to help you with energy consumption details. Here’s how it helps:

Precise meter reading

Bharat Smart Services produces accurate and precise energy meter readings for you. Be it a traditional meter or a smart meter, BSS works on any of these. When you know the exact bill, you may figure out if it’s too high as per the needs of your business.

Detailed insight into electricity consumption

Without a calculative report, it becomes difficult to anticipate which appliance consumes the most electricity. BSS does this for you. You get a detailed insight into energy consumption by all the machinery and appliances in your building. With this knowledge, you can easily control the areas where electricity is being misused.

Management of electricity under fingertips

Once you have the BSS application on your Android mobile phone, you can check the electricity consumption details of your building within a few clicks. You need not wait until the month’s end to get the bills. You may check the consumption so far with a click. This way, it becomes easier for you to manage the overall energy consumption of your building.

Increased productivity at reduced electricity consumption

When you save on electricity consumption, you also save on essential capital that can be invested elsewhere. So, on the one hand, you start saving by reducing energy consumption and on the other hand, you accelerate productivity.

Trained executives help you do an energy audit

BSS is always there to assist you. Our trained executives are always enthusiastic about helping you with a thorough energy audit. It helps you know your business needs and expenses better. 

Here is a testimony by Zeds Bakkers Inn – “I was wasting money on my electricity bills for over a year until I discovered the expert team at Bharat Smart Services. They quickly corrected the issue with my capacitor connection, and their app made it easy to optimise my energy usage. Highly recommend giving them a try to save money and reduce your energy footprint”.

No manipulation allowed; get accurate bills

Manipulation of electricity bills is not possible with Bharat Smart Services. You get accurate results calculated based on your energy slab, the concessions (if any) and the rate of your area. Unlike traditional methods, where agents are used to calculate and tell you the monthly electricity consumption, BSS strictly presents automated results with zero manipulation and 100% accuracy.

A small energy leak can cost you thousands a month, so keep leaks under check

Before using a smart energy monitor like BSS, you may wonder why the electricity bills are so high despite you and your team trying to save it. A small leakage of energy can cost you heavily and also impose a threat to the environment. However, the detailed report of BSS helps you quickly know the leakage spots. Once you know it, you can easily fix it to save further losses.


Electricity consumption increases with each passing year owing to technological advancements and new usages. Restricting electricity use might not be possible, especially for commercial purposes. However, controlling how energy is consumed and misused can surely be brought under check. BSS helps you make calculative and informed decisions with the help of its accurate electricity consumption bills. Download the application now!

A meter reading tool might be the answer. It gives you a detailed report on the electricity usage of your building. It is an advanced technology built specifically to help households, corporates, and businesses save energy conservation and reduce their monthly electricity expenses.

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