When Getting Utility Bills BSS Enhances Consumer Experience

Managing electricity consumption in the house is something that everyone wants. Not only does it include the restricted use of high-power consumption appliances, but it ensures correct generation of your electricity bill and a timely payment. Making informed decisions is one step ahead when it comes to smartly managing electricity consumption in your house. 

However, it is only possible when you know the electricity consumption in your house and the bill calculation. In this blog, we will talk about the limitations of current utility processes and how we can help you in this journey. So, let’s get started.

When Getting Utility Bills BSS Enhances Consumer Experience
How do users lack control of current utility processes?

Every area comes under a certain Discom, that is, a distribution company. Discom provides electricity in concerned areas, generates electricity bills, and collects consumer payments. Currently, India has users of both regular and smart electricity meters. While in the regular meters, an agent from the Discom comes every month to read the meters and issue the bills. Smart meters push the meter data on their own, facilitating bill generation without any physical visit. Both the meters have their own obvious limitations.

In the current electricity bill processes, the consumer does not have a way to calculate the bills on their own. Because of this, sometimes, the electricity bills can be shockingly high, while at times, they can be too low. So, how do you know if you are being charged right? One solution is to approach your Discom for a detailed understanding. The other way out, the easy one, is Bharat Smart Services. How can we help you get a hold of your electricity consumption and bill calculation of your house? Let’s discuss.

BSS App – What is it, and what does it do?

Bharat Smart Services can be your one-stop solution for electricity bill woes. The design of the BSS mobile application gives you a quick insight into the electricity usage to date in your home. The BSS application can let you know the electricity usage by various home appliances in your house by doing a self-appliance audit. Apart from this, you can also get to know about electricity leakage, overuse, or misuse in your building.

Knowing the details of your daily electricity consumption in your home. It gives you the leverage to better manage the power consumption in your house so you can refrain from misuse of electricity and a justifiable bill at the end of the month.

How does meter reading empower customers right away?

You may be wondering how self-meter reading can help you save electricity. Well, read the pointers below to understand how self-meter reading can empower you:

Access to current usage

Within a few clicks, you can see the electricity consumption in your building or house so far from your last bill date. So, if it is nearing your monthly electricity budget/slab change, you can be aware of it and carefully use it for the rest of the month.

Action against wasteful electricity  consumption

The BSS application informs you of any abnormal electricity consumption happening in your home. In case you find any such instance, you can immediately take action against it and save from paying for wasteful electricity consumption.

Restricted power consumption

BSS application gives details of electricity consumption in your house. So you can better understand which appliance is responsible for maximum electricity consumption. It may help you in lowering the bill from next month due to restricted use.

You can self-generate your bills & can cross-check your  bills for correctness

When a Meter Reader comes to generate your electricity bill, there can be instances of mistakes in bills, or delayed meter reading may put your bill in higher slabs. However, when you have the BSS application with few utilities, where the BSS App’s integration with the respective Utility billing system/Consumer App, allows you to self-generate your bill, and in other cases, you can always cross-verify the bills you have been given by the Meter Reader.

Technologies are taking new turns, so why should you be left behind? Join BSS today and upgrade the way to track your electricity consumption. Also, know about bill calculation. It not only helps you save money but also build a sustainable future.

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